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The Best Time to Book Your Trip

The Best Time to Book Your Trip

…is NOW!

You Know How—But When?

It’s no secret that vacations can be quite an undertaking as far as preparation goes. From passports to accommodations, even down to what you are going to eat every day. By now, we’re sure you know we can do all the planning essentials for you, but we thought it’d be helpful if you knew when to start planning. So, kick back, read on, and grab some vacay inspo with our team. There’s no time like the present to start planning your next unforgettable getaway.

The Early Bird Gets the…BEST Vacation!

This should not come as a surprise, but, just like a lot of things in life, when a vacation is planned with adequate time in advance, things just tend to go smoother. So, our first recommendation for when to start planning is…DON’T WAIT! Time is of the essence here, as the earlier you book, the better deals you have access to. Earlier planning with our team also means a wider variety in choice of accommodations such as room choices, VIP packages, and various promotional offers from hotels and other lodging. This gives you wider freedom of choice and flexibility as your vacation date approaches! P.S: With the right insurance- if the price drops, you’ll receive the difference.

Your Time is Valuable

Solo travelers and families or larger group travelers all need to do some sort of preparation outside of the actual vacation planning to get ready for their trip. This is where the next perks of planning ‘sooner rather than later’ come in. A quicker start to the planning process means more time for things like getting your wardrobe together (what a perfect time for some new clothes) and making arrangements for your kids or pets (depending on the type of trip). You can also take this extra time to set up a fun online countdown to vacation day and brag about your upcoming trip to your friends …. OR invite them, we’ll help them plan too!

Myth: Busted

Welcome to 2022: the year where everyone wants to escape. We all know the idea of supply and demand. As demand goes up, supply goes down—and that’s shortly followed by steep price increases. This has completely changed the way of last-minute deals, which leads to our next reason why planning earlier makes a difference: the better deals are now available earlier rather than later. That’s right. All the best deals are now, most of the time, on the front end of planning. So, it doesn’t hurt to plan at least 3-6 months in advance and sooner if you want the best prices available and the most options when choosing your accommodations. Again, don’t wait until the last minute, this myth has been officially busted!

A friendly reminder: If you're looking outside of the United States for your next retreat, get your passport ASAP. Even if you haven’t started planning yet, it’s better safe than sorry when it comes to this essential form of identification. We have some more information on that—check it out!

You’re Ready to Go

Consider yourself officially ‘in-the-know’ when it comes to when to start planning your next vacation. Explore our services, get inspired, and then bring your dream vacation to life with our travel team. We have the perfect place in mind!

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